Child & Play Therapy
There are many reasons why a child may need therapy. Children are faced with many challenges and don’t always have the words to express what they are feeling or thinking. Children often express their feelings through their behaviours or we may notice changes in their performance at school or with friends.
Play therapy is a popular technique used with children to help them cope with the emotional difficulties they are facing and helps them to work through these problems in a safe, containing space. During therapy, the relationship that develops between a therapist and a child is extremely important to ensure that the child feels safe and understood. In the safe and caring environment, it becomes easier for the child to open up and express the way they feel.
Building a relationship between a child and the therapist is vital as the child or adolescent needs to feel warm and safe before they can express their emotions to the therapist. This helps the therapist learn about who they are, and communicate their fears through the use of games, painting, arts and crafts.
Helping your child find their strengths and weaknesses as well as their needs and dreams, they will become more assertive and self-aware.